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Scam of the Week: Watch Out for Insta-scams!

Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 8:00AM

Scam of the Week: Watch Out for Insta-scams!

Southern Title takes cybersecurity seriously! Wire fraud is rampant, scams are surreptitious and we want to share some tips to protect your information from fraudsters. Welcome to our Tech Tuesday!

Some of the latest social media phishing scams are making their way through Instagram right now. These attacks trick you into giving up your account’s login credentials so the bad guys can take over your account and further spread their malicious tricks.

Here’s how it works: You’ll receive a message from an Instagram user. The message claims they’ve seen some of your photos ranked on a “Hot List”, or even a so-called “Nasty List”. The message leads you to a fake Instagram account to see your ranking. The scammers include a dangerous, shortened link in their Instagram account profile, and use an enticing message to get you to click. Once you’ve clicked this link, you’re directed to a fake, but identical-looking Instagram login page. Don’t log in! If you enter your information here, it will be instantly sent to the bad guys.

Remember these tips when using social media platforms:

  • Never open or respond to social media messages from strangers. Even if the message appears to be from someone you know, be cautious, their account may have been hacked.
  • Shortened links are often used on mobile phones and social media profiles. If you can’t see the full address of where a link is taking you, don’t click! Wait until you can view the link on a desktop, and avoid clicking suspicious links altogether.
  • Using shocking content to entice you is one of the oldest tricks in the book of phishing scams. If you receive an email or message claiming that your photos were seen somewhere, this is likely a scam. Don’t respond, and delete the message immediately.

Stop, Look, and Think.

Don't be fooled.
The KnowBe4 Security Team


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